Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

June 13–15 – 9 AM to 12 PM • This is one of the biggest weeks of the year for the kids and families of our community. Each day is filled with exciting games, fun activities, and challenging lessons from God’s Word. It all concludes on Wednesday night with exciting and...
Celebrate Freedom

Celebrate Freedom

June 26 at 10:30 AM Patriotic Sunday is one of the highlights of the year at FRBC. During this service, we place a special emphasis on God and country by honoring our veterans and reflecting on the biblical principles that have made this nation great. Our guest...
Anniversary Sunday

Anniversary Sunday

July 17, 2022 • For nearly seven decades, Franklin Road Baptist Church has been sharing the love of Jesus Christ and the gospel with our community and beyond. Join us on Anniversary Sunday as we celebrate God’s blessings on our church over the last 68 years of...