June 10-12 • Ages 4 to 6th grade • Vacation Bible School is one of the biggest weeks of the year for the kids of our church as well as the families of our community. This year will be no exception as we prepare now for an incredible week. Each day is filled with...
Celebrate Freedom

Celebrate Freedom

June 30 at 10:30 AM •  Patriotic Sunday is one of the highlights of the year at FRBC. During this service, we place a special emphasis on God and country by honoring our veterans and reflecting on the biblical principles that have made this nation great.
Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

Saturday, October 26 from 3 to 7 PM • Sometimes finding family-friendly activities that are affordable can be a challenge. We are thrilled to offer your family free food and fun activities at our annual community Harvest Festival. This event is completely free of...
Easter at Franklin Road

Easter at Franklin Road

Sunday, March 31 • 10:30 AM Traditional Worship & Kid’s Candy Hunt Lord’s Supper – 6:30 PM Many will attend church this Easter to honor a tradition, but what if your simple choice of going to church on this special day could result in an experience...
Open House Sunday

Open House Sunday

Join us on October 27 at 10:30 AM for worship with free dinner to follow and afternoon service. Be our honored guest for Open House Sunday and allow us the opportunity to serve you and your family.